[Lesson 8] The BEST Way to Improve your Watercolors Skills
Did you practice the basic techniques? Are you mastering your brushes? What about layering?
Okay, today we’re gonna cover the last email of this free series, and I’m gonna talk about the best way to improve your watercolors skills,especially when you’re starting learning them.
So, if you’re ready, let’s get started!
Actually, the best way to improve any skill!
When you’re learning something new, and when you want to excel at that, you need 3 things:
- Consistency. This is key, when you want to improve something, you got to do it over and over again. You have to assess your progress, make tweaks, and overall practice consistently. This way you’ll make progress every day.
- Guidance. The proper guidance that helps you learn and improve in the easiest and smoothest way possible – Ptsss: This course covers this one 😉
- Accountability. You need to keep yourself accountable to learn and practice consistently. Otherwise, you’ll only accumulate knowledge but not experience.
If you’re like me, whenever you’re starting learning something new, your excitement for the new skill is on the top. You purchase the best and cutest materials-tools-resources you can afford. And you carefully (and assiduously) learn and apply what you learn.
But, when the excitement fizzles out, and you don’t see the results you expected (well, I always want to see results in two days or less, I’m not the only one, right?), applying what you’re learning can turn harder and harder.
For that, you need to have a plan of action in place. A plan that makes it easy and fun for you to learn and practice consistently. And I haven’t found a better plan of action than learning while challenging yourself.
The best way to improve your watercolors skills is to learn and challenge yourself at the same time.
A challenge that asks you to show up every day (or at least a few times a week), and a challenge that helps you apply what you’re learning.
That’s why for my new course Watercolors for Fashion Illustration I decided to hold a monthly challenge. Because when you challenge yourself:
- You’re able to learn and apply what you’re learning.
- You’re able to keep yourself accountable until you can see your skills grow before your eyes.
- And you allow yourself to have fun (and reduce the stress) while you’re learning.
So much goodness!
Whether you want to join the course and the challenge(s) or not, you can improve your skills and challenge yourself by yourself 😛
- Decide what things you want to learn during the month, and find the resources you need to learn them.
- Determine how many days or hours a week you can dedicate to learning and practicing.
- Distribute the number of lessons between the number of days you have to learn and practice. Then, show up during each of those days, learn what you said you would learn, and apply it.
- Tell someone you’re challenging yourself. This is HUGE for accountability, if you say someone you’ll do something and then you don’t do it, oh-oh bad feelings coming!
But, sometimes learning and practicing are hard on their own, and to make it easy for you to show up, do the work, and improve I created (and will keep creating) the Monthly Watercolors Challenge!
Did I say there will be a surprise prize for 3 persons at the end of the month?
This is the first challenge – and these are the prompts -, which is perfect to get you started with watercolors, keep you accountable, and guide you through your first month on the course. (check out all the details here.)

So, will you get started with watercolors and improve your skills big time?
Well, that’s it for today! Hope this lesson encourages you to learn and practice what you most want to learn. And if you’re ready to learn, practice, and challenge yourself at the same time, it’ll be AWESOME to have you in the challenge! 😀
Comment below and let me know your doubts and questions 🙂