[Lesson 3] Your First Approach to Watercolors
Get prepared, by getting familiar with your tools.
I’ve mentioned that you can get started with a few materials if you’re on a budget. And in the following videos, you’ll see how you can create different colors and tons of tints using only 3 basic colors – red, yellow, and blue.
I will show you how to create a color wheel. Well, actually, two color wheels: one cool, and one warm. And depending on the colors that you like the most you can create the cool wheel, the warm, or both.
You can download today’s printable through the button below, or through your module’s index 😉
Let’s begin!
Three videos in a day, you’ve got work to do! But, don’t worry, you have time to complete it.
Hope you like today’s lesson and videos, I made them with all my love 🙂
If you have questions, post a comment here and let me know!

- Read today’s lesson.
- Watch today’s videos.
- Grab your materials and download the printable.
- And create your color wheel or color wheels, depending on what colors you have.