Yay! I’m so happy to have you in this course!
Let’s get started!
Okaaay, your first assignment for today is to send me an email, say hello, tell me your biggest struggles with fashion illustration, and share with me why you joined this course.
My email is:
How this course works
- Grab your materials.
- Watch the videos.
- Practice following the steps from the videos. You can try in a square of paper, like me, and then you can add texture to clothing.
- Once you feel confident illustrating, identify what can be part of your style and what don’t. And, the next time you illustrate keep what you like, get rid of what isn’t your style, and add something new.
- Share your progress, and your up’s and down’s with me. I’m just at the end of an email, and I’ll be happy to help you in whatever you need.
- Also, you can share through Instagram using the hashtags #FashionMarkers and #FashionStepByStep
- Keep creating!